Introduction with MySQL Workbench

Rikzan Fernanda
Sep 26, 2021
MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a tool from MySQL that helps database administrators maintaining databases. It’s like PHPMyAdmin. The difference is MySQL workbench is more complex for administration than PHPMyAdmin.

Let’s start!
In this article, we will use MySQL Workbench 8.0.26 for windows (64-bit).

download page
  • click No thanks, just start to download

After downloading the file, now we have a .msi file.

- double click the .msi file
- next
- destination folder, choose next
- setup type, leave it complete, then click next
- install
- after the installation was complete, click finish

Now, we have MySQL Workbench. In the next article, we will learn how to use it with basic commands. Thank you.



Rikzan Fernanda

Web developer from Indonesia. I like to share my knowledge about programming especially web app.